Bear Inquiry
Now that the Winter season is almost over, we decided that we should get ready for Spring.
First, we had a discussion about some of the changes that we can see, feel, hear and smell now that Winter is fading away. Everyday my students had more questions about what will happen to all of the animals that have been hibernating. This lead us to do an inquiry about bears.
First we found out what we already know about bears.
We realized that we did know a lot of things about bears but we wanted to learn more.
So we asked more questions.
What kinds of bears are there? What do bears eat?

We still had lots of unanswered questions so we decided to do some research. First we used the projector to look at different kinds of bears. We found out about so many bears that we have never even heard of before, like the spectacled bear or sun bear.
We asked our reading buddies to help us do our research in the computer lab. Using technology is so much fun!

Everyone had their favourite bear and wanted to learn more about it. Some of our questions were:
* Do all bears live in dens?
* Do all bears eat the same foods?
* How many different color of bears are there?
* Do some bears live where it is warm?
* Do bears have any enemies?
* Do all bears have the same body parts (fur, paws, teeth)?
So we decided that we should do our own bear projects to answer all of our "Beary" important questions and share our finding with our friends.
Here are our bear project groups

We used all of our research information to help us complete our bear projects and other bear activities.

To end our Bear Inquiry, we decided to have a "Wake Up From Hibernating" party. Our classroom bear Henry has been hibernating through our whole bear inquiry. He will be surprised to hear all of the things we have learned about bears.
First, we had to wake Henry up.
We need to find Henry. He said that he was hungry and he went to look for some food. If he is not back by now, he must be lost! We need to go on a bear hunt.
Everyone in Mrs. Johnston's Kindergarten class hoped
you have enjoyed our Bear Inquiry.
It was "Beary" nice of you to visit our Blog.
Come back and visit us again soon.
Remember, if you aren't having any fun, neither are
your students (or children)!
First we found out what we already know about bears.
We realized that we did know a lot of things about bears but we wanted to learn more.
So we asked more questions.
What kinds of bears are there? What do bears eat?
We still had lots of unanswered questions so we decided to do some research. First we used the projector to look at different kinds of bears. We found out about so many bears that we have never even heard of before, like the spectacled bear or sun bear.
We asked our reading buddies to help us do our research in the computer lab. Using technology is so much fun!
Everyone had their favourite bear and wanted to learn more about it. Some of our questions were:
* Do all bears live in dens?
* Do all bears eat the same foods?
* How many different color of bears are there?
* Do some bears live where it is warm?
* Do bears have any enemies?
* Do all bears have the same body parts (fur, paws, teeth)?
So we decided that we should do our own bear projects to answer all of our "Beary" important questions and share our finding with our friends.
Here are our bear project groups
We used all of our research information to help us complete our bear projects and other bear activities.
To end our Bear Inquiry, we decided to have a "Wake Up From Hibernating" party. Our classroom bear Henry has been hibernating through our whole bear inquiry. He will be surprised to hear all of the things we have learned about bears.
First, we had to wake Henry up.
We need to find Henry. He said that he was hungry and he went to look for some food. If he is not back by now, he must be lost! We need to go on a bear hunt.
you have enjoyed our Bear Inquiry.
It was "Beary" nice of you to visit our Blog.
Come back and visit us again soon.
Remember, if you aren't having any fun, neither are
your students (or children)!